Bluewren, or Muruduwin in the Gadigal language, is our second 30,000 ft rocket. It builds upon the success of Firetail, incorporating a wide range of advanced engineering solutions. Bluewren was the team’s entry into Spaceport America Cup in 2022, where it won the 30,000 ft COTS Category, and led the team to take home 1st Place Overall in SA Cup.
Project Details
Bluewren, was designed to compete in the 30,000 ft COTS category of the Spaceport America Cup. Following the success of Firetail at AURC in 2020 and SA Cup in 2021, Bluewren utilised advanced manufacturing techniques and improved aerodynamic and auxiliary components, when compared to Firetail. Bluewren conducted a successful test flight at Tolarno Station before competing in the 2022 SA Cup, where it achieved first place in its category and overall competition. Additionally, Bluewren carried Callistemon, the Team’s space-debris capture demonstration payload, which won first place in the Space Dynamics Laboratory Payload Challenge.
Competition Finishes

1st Place – 30k COTS SAC 2022
Overall SAC Winners – 2022
Final Altitude

29,933 ft AGL
Airframe Length

3.2 m
Airframe Diameter

0.143 m

Cesaroni N3301
Peak Thrust

5075 N
Total Impulse

19318 NS
Burn time

6.2 s
Maximum Velocity

MACH 1.7
564 m/s
Total Flights

1 Test, 1 Competition